Scientific Committee

Santiago Dogliotti, University of the Republic, Uruguay

Santiago Dogliotti

Santiago Dogliotti graduated as Agronomy Engineer at the Faculty of Agronomy in Uruguay. He obtained his MSc in Crop Science and his PhD in Production Ecology and Resource Conservation from Wageningen University. He has been a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Agronomy for 30 years. He lectures courses on Crop Ecophysiology, Vegetable production, and Analysis and design of agricultural production systems at BSc and MSc levels. He conducted several research projects on diagnosis of sustainability and re-design of small-scale, family farm systems, combining simulation modelling at the field and farm level with innovation processes in pilot farms. He is currently leading projects in ecological intensification of vegetables and grassland-based beef production systems. He is a Professor in Plant Production Systems at the Plant Sciences Department of the Faculty of Agronomy.

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